(di)SPERARE is a choreographic duo created by Giovanni Zazzera as a part of a Triptych series of the CREDERE projects that explore the intricacies of human beliefs.
An intense and powerful duet that explores the state of the body, linking the raw materials through a common contamination. (di) SPERARE tastes the contagion of two bodies that allow themselves to be transported in a dialogue of concordance and oppositions, extremes and excess, connection and disconnection, hopes and despair, leading them to get lost and find each other becoming aware of the invisible links that connect them.
Duration | 25 min.
Audience | + 10
Choreography | Giovanni Zazzera
Dancers | Enora Gemin & Cheyenne Vallejo
Music & Lights | Damiano Picci
Dramaturgy | Nora Zrika
Production manager | Beast production - Léa Wiplier
Tour manager | Enora Gemin
Production | ZArt Dance Company (asbl)
Co-production | Centre culturel Aalt Staadhaus (LU)
Partners & support | La Baracolle EPCC Arques (FR), Trois C-L Maison pour la danse (LU), Ministère de la Culture du Luxembourg (LU), Fondation by BIL (LU), SACEM (LU), Laboratoire Chorégraphique de Reims & la filleuse de Reims (FR), Jojo Dance Center-Oulu (FIN), Koplabunz asbl (LU), Maschinenhaus Essen & Tanzstazion Wuppertal (DE).
to be announced
photos by | Marco Pavone
© Z Art Dance Company