performative installation
Through this performative installation project, Choreographer Giovanni Zazzera explores the altered states of consciousness between memory and movement, through a corporeal and sensorial journey.
Drawn from residency research exploring movement in a state of hypnosis, MURMURES aims to capture the essence of this experience, evoking the dancers' letting go, the depth of the experience, and the freedom of bodily expression that ensues, in a journey through a visual and sound installation space.
"Our recent choreographic explorations of movement in a trance state have revealed that this altered state of consciousness encourages the awakening of an active subconscious, prompting a more spontaneous surrender. This condition facilitated our understanding and ability to express the sensation of total freedom and absolute release that can be achieved through dance. In so doing, we were able to maintain the essence of a personal metamorphosis and a profound quest for the unconscious and the present moment."
Duration | 25 min.
Audience | All age
Giovanni Zazzera | Conception/Choreography
Thierry Raymond | Artistic support / External eye
Noa Nies & Serge Daniel Kabore | Dance
Jonathan Christoph | Visual & technical conception
Piérrick Grobéty | Sound design/creation
Enrico Abitelli | Hypnosis practitioner
Léa Wiplier/Beast production | Production manager
Z ART asbl | Production
SUPPORTS | Ministère de la Culture du Luxembourg, Trois C-L , Maison pour la Danse, Les théâtres de la ville de Luxembourg, Ecole de danse Danse Elance, Beast production.
photos by | Giovanni Zazzera / Brian Ca
© Z Art Dance Company